Friday 1 August 2008

Family circus

There is what is "right" and what is true. Be brave my family. Give up "right" and embrace what is true. I promise it is not as terrifying as you think. 


But I felt at home at the circus class. Here are my people, even though I don't know them. We laughed and cheered as we watched each other swing on a trapeze for the first time ever. Issi climbed like a monkey up the fabric. I only made a few metres, but managed a pike upside down.


And I am learning to bounce in other ways.  The more times you get knocked over, the better you become at righting yourself. Some days I can do it in 1/2 an hour. Which is pretty good going don't you think.


Kami said...

I do think it is pretty good. I remember when I first learned to right myself. I was so proud!

I always want to be right too. I find it difficult to give up, but I keep working on it.

Lori Lavender Luz said...

It is hard when you have to choose between Truth and anything else -- family, loyalty, being right.

Thanks so much for your comment about our panel. It was helpful for me to know that the panel made someone think.

You have a good heart, B.